Monday, June 16, 2014

I used to lead a men's bible study in my home.  One of the ways I helped these dudes get to know and like each other was through the use of Nerf guns.  It sounds weird, but anytime someone new entered the group, if you handed them a dart gun, and then someone else shot them, it was on. Thirty minutes later, everyone would be relaxed on the couch, talking about work, and sharing what was going on in their life in a real and authentic way. I don't know how it happened. It was all God.

At this point in my life, I no longer lead Mangroup, as it was called, but I'm left with the fifty-some Nerf gun arsenal Mangroup donated to the house.  After looking around eBay, and seeing that video game replicas and props do sell well, I decided to turn my Nerf gun collection into replicas of weapons from video games and try to sell them.  I've sold one already, but so the world can see what I am capable of, I will post the pictures of that build also.  This blog will serve as my record of what I did for each project, and also offer a venue for me to post pictures to Facebook and whatever.

Unless otherwise stated, every project I make will be a fully-functional Nerf gun, it will light up in some way, and it will recreate some of the features of the video game weapon it is modeled after.  My prices will be negotiable, and if anyone wants to request I make a specific weapon, please let me know, and I will work with you to see what I can come up with.

All proceeds from this endeavor will help send me to France as a church planter when I graduate with my MDiv in about a year.


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