Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In case you're wondering...

In case anyone is wondering, I've not been bumming around in the past few weeks! I actually have been quite busy working on my creations, and my garage is starting to be overtaken with Nerf guns!  I'm currently doing an experiment to see if perhaps I'm putting too much work into them so they have to be sold for too high a price; I realized that my target audience probably works fast food. As such, I'm making several Nerf guns without any fancy electronic components, which cuts anywhere from three days to a week off the build time.

Why then am I taking so long to get my creations posted? Basically, it comes down to this.  I work on a project until I can't make any more progress on it because I need something or another to finish it.  At that point, I look at what resources I still have, and I start a new project based on my available supplies.  Usually, I can get almost all of the work done on a project but then wouldn't you know it, I run out of primer or I can't find my tube of Bondo hardener or whatever.  I'm not trying to dump lots of money into these creations, although I do spend about twenty dollars a month on general supplies.  Hence, when one of the projects hits a roadbump, I have to set it on the backburner until either the next month or one of my other Nerf guns sells.

So, here's a sneak preview of what I've got sitting around my garage waiting for whatever I need to finish them.

There's an M-4 Shuriken Submachine Gun from Mass Effect, waiting for a battery holder.
I have a Halo 4 Saw nearly completed as well, this one waiting for bondo on the magazine.
I started another weapon from the upcoming Bungie game, Destiny, but I encountered a problem drilling a 7/8" hole in that particular Nerf gun, so I will need a hole saw to do it. It's the legendary sniper rifle called Closing Time, and apparently the hardest gun to find in game; it's also apparently what Bungie used to show off their mad game-making skills in advertisements and at conventions and stuff.
Lastly, I have a rather complicated build about a third completed.  It's going to be a nerf version of the Railway Rifle from Fallout 3; I recently acquired a 25lb erector set and was inspired by some of the peculiar parts and lengthy girders in it to attempt to make a gun that is apparently made from a pressure cooker, a crutch, and a few gauges. It'll be nice to make a gun that is supposed to look ghetto fabulous, even in-game.

Let this post be motivation for you to buy one of my other creations, and be a patron of the nerdy arts. I implore you.  Are these not wonderful masterpieces, fit for holding and coddling and mounting above your mantle? I think so. It is your civic duty to bring life to these marvels.

That is all.


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